Breno Battistin Sebastiani

(USP/CNPq) - head /

Breno Battistin Sebastiani is a historian of ancient Greece and Associate Professor of Classics in the Department of Classics at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He studied History, Ancient Greek, and Latin at the University of São Paulo, and holds a Ph.D. in Social History (2006) and a Habilitation in Classics (2016) from the same university. He is Research Fellow at the CECH - University of Coimbra, was Visiting Professor at the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (2018-2019), has collaborated at the research project Libertad, imperio y civilización. Una aproximación conceptual a la construcción occidental de la historia antigua clásica at the University of Córdoba, Argentina between 2017-2018, and was Research Fellow at the University of Athens and at the University of Crete in 2008. His fields of research are Greek history and historiography, especially the study of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Polybius. He is the head of the research group Democracy: Greek discourses, current challenges (USP/CNPq), his current research projects are "Leaderships and crises of ancient democracy in Greek historiography" (grant: CNPq, Brazil, 2020-23) and "Crises (staseis) and changes (metabolai). The Athenian democracy today" (CAPES/FCT, 2019-2021), and his publications include the translation into Portuguese with notes of Polybius' five complete books (Políbio: história pragmática. Livros I a V. Tradução, introdução e notas por Breno Battistin Sebastiani. São Paulo: Perspectiva/FAPESP, 2016), the monographies Fracasso e verdade na recepção de Políbio e Tucídides (Coimbra, IUC, 2017), Sources et modèles des historiens anciens (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2018; with O. Devillers - U. Bordeaux-Montaigne), and A poiesis da democracia (Coimbra, IUC, 2018; with D. Leão, C. Werner, L. Sano, and M. Soares). He co-edited other 6 books, published 26 peer-reviewed papers, 20 book chapters, and is currently preparing 3 books in co-edition: "Sources et modèles des historiens anciens - vol. 2", with O. Devillers; "A poética calimaquiana e sua influência na poesia epigramática", with Fernando Rodrigues Junior and Bárbara da Costa e Silva; and "Crises (stasis) and changes (metabolai): the Athenian democracy and contemporaneity", with Delfim Leão. He is also a member of the editorial board of 7 Brazilian and Portuguese classical journals, has co-organized 20 international conferences, and has supervised several Masters, Ph.Ds, and Post-Docs theses, with a special interest in those on Greek and Roman historiography.